See You At The Polls

What a blessing it is to live in a country where our opinion matters. If you haven’t already voted (or even if you have), here’s a prayer for you to say today:


Father God,


I thank you for the privilege of living here in America and having the freedoms that I do, one of which is to affect public policy through my vote. I pray that you help me to not take those freedoms for granted but to use them as a platform to advance your kingdom. As I go out today, give me the wisdom and guidance to make the right choice, choosing a candidate that conforms to your eternal Word, my core convictions, versus temporally conforming the candidate to fit your Word. Lord, we are in some seemingly rough waters here in America with the end uncertain. We know that you calm the raging seas Lord. Appoint the candidate that is more capable of helping America navigate into calm waters where the financial burden is lifted and the pain is eased. And God, no matter the result of today’s election, let me be a continual channel of your peace and love.


In Christ’s Name,


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